Guidelines for PCRS Exhibitors2024 Annual Meeting Exhibit RulesAdmission to the ConferenceExhibitor name badges entitle the wearer to attend conference sessions as “observers” only. CME credits will be awarded only to individuals who have paid full attendee registration fees and are issued a PCRS 2024 Annual Meeting official paid registration name badge. Exhibitors and their representatives must wear exhibitor badges at all times while in the conference area and at all events. These badges are issued for the exhibitor’s protection and identification. Admission to events will not be permitted without a proper badge. A final list of company representative names must be provided within your exhibitor registration by Friday, March 1, 2024. Standard booths include up to 4 badges, Large booths include up to 6 badges, and Extra Large booths include up to 8 badges. Additional badges requested by March 1, 2024, will be billed at $125.00 per name. Anyone not on your company’s list by March 1, 2024, may face delays when requesting a name badge on-site and will be charged a $35.00 on-site badge fee. Name badges are not transferable and must not be loaned or given to other persons; violators will be barred from the Exhibition Premises. If a substitute representative needs an on-site badge, the original badge must be traded in at the registration desk, and a $35.00 on-site badge fee applies. A business card reflecting both the Exhibitor Company's name and the Representative's name may be requested. Failure to present an appropriate business card may result in the revocation of the badge and its associated benefits. A $75.00 fee will apply to ALL lost or misplaced badges. After the exhibit set-up day, an Exhibitor will be permitted to enter the Exhibit Hall one hour before the scheduled opening time. Exhibitors are expected to be present at their booths in the hall at listed exhibit hours. Should an Exhibitor desire to enter the Exhibit Hall at any time other than the official Exhibit hours, a written request specifying the reason and names of all persons needing access shall be presented to the Exhibits Manager for approval. The Exhibit Hall Managers shall have sole control of the admission policy at all times. Rejection and Penalties The Exhibits Manager reserves the right to restrict, reject or prohibit any exhibit in whole or part because of noise or for any other reason that becomes objectionable, with or without giving cause. If an Exhibitor is rejected because of violation of these rules, or for any stated reason, no return of exhibit fees shall be made. The Exhibitor shall abide at all times by any and all regulations and requirements of the hotel and PCRS. Cancellation PolicyPCRS understands that circumstances may arise that prevent Exhibitors from fulfilling their commitment to exhibit at the Annual Meeting. Exhibitors who cancel prior to January 1, 2024, will receive a refund of their balance minus a $250 fee. Exhibitors who cancel between January 1, 2024, and February 1, 2024, will receive a refund of their balance minus a $500 fee. Exhibitors who cancel after February 1, 2024, do not receive a refund but may apply up to 50% to the following year's exhibit fees. To petition for a refund of exhibit fees, cancellation must be made in writing and delivered via e-mail. To petition for a partial refund of exhibit fees, cancellation must be made in writing and delivered via e-mail. See Rules for further information. Refunds will be less credit card service fees. Please note, sponsorships do not go into effect until payment of your Sponsorship is paid in full. Advertising MatterThe Exhibits Manager reserves the right to refuse to permit the distribution of souvenirs, advertising, printed matter, or anything else considered objectionable. Distribution of allowed materials other than from within an Exhibitor’s space is forbidden. The Management must approve name signs or courtesy cards on any equipment loaned to an Exhibitor. Prize drawings, raffles, or promotions contests are prohibited. Solicitation of BusinessSolicitation of business will be permitted by Exhibitors only; the tradeshow is for promotional purposes, and exhibitors are encouraged to gather leads only. Arrangement of ExhibitsExhibitors must agree to arrange their exhibits so as not to obstruct the general view or hide other exhibits (see booth floorplan). The Exhibits Manager must approve large display signs, but Exhibitors may use card signs of the appropriate size on individual exhibits and on partitions following the rules and regulations of the Exhibit Manager. Rules are slightly different for large areas of 3 or more booths. Exhibit tables are 6 feet long, two feet wide and 30” tall. The booth will include pipe and drape and the maximum height for display materials on a center table is 65” from the floor (table at 29” plus your tabletop display at a maximum of 36” will equal 65” from the floor). The maximum height for display materials on a table adjacent to a wall is 90” from the floor (table at 30” plus your tabletop display at a maximum of 61” will equal 90” from the floor). Installation of ExhibitsBooth spaces will be available for installation from 4:00 to 7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, and 7:30 to 9:00 AM on Thursday, March 21, 2024. The installation of exhibits and removal of all boxes and crating must be completed before 9:00 AM on Thursday, March 21, 2024. PCRS Exhibit staff will be available for set-up and are stationed inside the Exhibit Hall during the entire set-up process to assist you in finding your booth space, answer your questions and coordinate the hotel's electrical, engineering, and communications departments to ensure you have received your Exhibit's electrical and communications requests. Electrical and communications request forms must be completed and in the Society's possession by February 23, 2024, in order to avoid on-site fees of $35 per form in addition to the cost of service. DismantlingThe Exhibitor agrees not to dismantle the booth or do any packing before 1:00 PM, Saturday, March 23, 2024 (following the lunch break). No part of the exhibit, equipment, or literature may be removed, once it is set up, without permission from the Exhibit Hall Manager. The exhibitor further agrees to have all materials removed by 4:00 PM, Saturday, March 23, 2024. Because another event takes place in the same room used as the Exhibit Hall, no extensions will be made to the teardown schedule. Any materials left on the floor after this time will be stored and charged at the prevailing rates. Greater than average amounts of refuse (large crates, etc) will be discarded with cartage rates charged.Exhibitors must make arrangements satisfactory to PCRS and Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa staff for payment of any additional charges incurred in connection with exhibiting. Noisy and Obnoxious EquipmentIf the operation of any apparatus produces noise of sufficient volume or odors found to be annoying to neighbor Exhibitors and guests, it will be necessary to discontinue such operation. The Exhibitor agrees that radio, television, motion picture, or other audio-visual aids will be operated in such a manner and place as to provide no inconvenience to other Exhibitors. The sound may be at a level to reach the immediate vicinity of the Exhibitor’s area only and the Exhibits Manager reserves the right to prohibit the use of any equipment contravening these regulations. Attendee ContactsThe 2024 PCRS Pre/Post Show Attendee List is the proprietary property of the Pacific Coast Reproductive Soceity. These lists may only be used to contact attendees up to two times, only for the specific purpose of promoting the purchaser’s exhibit booth at the specified show and/or as a follow-up after the show. The Sponsor/Exhibitor agrees not to duplicate, publish, permit the list to be published, merge it into the sponsor's/exhibitor’s company database(s), or use it for any other purpose not expressly provided for in the agreement. The Pre-Show Attendee List will be sent two weeks prior to the event date and the Post-Show Attendee List will be sent one week after the event date. The list(s) will only include registered attendees who opted-in to receive third-party communications. PCRS ([email protected]) must be included in all communications. Sponsors, exhibitors, staff, partners/guests, and vendors will not be included in the list. Lodging and Accommodations Unauthorized Events and Use of Meeting Space Use of PCRS Name and Logo |