Physician Session: Longterm Health Outcomes Following ART: From Patients to Offspring

Sunah Hwang, MD Leslie Farland, PhD


Sunah Hwang, MD & Leslie Farland, PhD

Saturday, March 26
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

 0.75 CME

Session Description:

Presentations will focus on short and longer term health outcomes for birthing individuals and their infants and children after receipt of ART. 

Session Objectives:

  1. Discuss the risk for adverse birth outcomes for mothers and infants after ART treatment, compared to the general fertile and subfertile populations.

  2. Outline longer term health outcomes for mothers and infants after ART treatment, compared to the fertile and subfertile populations.

  3. Describe how linkage of population-level data sources can provide robust information on maternal and infant outcomes after ART treatment.