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PCRS 2025 Abstract Submissions

March 19— March 23, 2025 | Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa | Indian Wells, California

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Submit an Abstract

The Pacific Coast Reproductive Society invites you to participate in the 73rd Annual Meeting through the submission of abstracts of original scientific research.

Abstract submissions are now closed. 

Rules and Preparation Guidelines

View a List of Suggested Topics for Abstracts
  • Abstracts submitted to PCRS must contain original work not published previously or presented at a meeting of another national or international scientific organization prior to the 2025 PCRS Annual Meeting.
  • Your account will be listed as the Abstract Presenter for this submission. You may not submit an abstract for another person. Each Abstract Presenter must have their own account. New to PCRS? Create your account.
  • Abstracts must adequately describe the research performed in order for the PCRS Abstract Review Committee to evaluate the quality, originality, and completeness of the work.
  • Two copies must be submitted. Failure to submit correct documents may render your submission ineligible.
    1. Document Number One: The first copy must be a PDF and include all authors' full names with respective institutions and city and state.
      Download sample
    2. Document Number Two: The second copy must be a PDF of the same document with the authors' names and institutional identifiers removed.
      Download sample
  • Only abstracts structured with the following headings may be submitted:
    • Background: A briefly worded description of the reasons for the study.
    • Objective: An introductory sentence indicating the objective and purpose of the study.
    • Materials and Methods: A description of experimental procedures including applicable statistical evaluation.
    • Result(s): A summary of the new previously unpublished data and results.
    • Conclusion(s): A statement of the conclusion(s).
    • Financial Support: List financial support for each author.
    • References: Acknowledge applicable sources, if any.
  • Abstracts must be limited to 500 words, excluding authors, institutions, graphs, equations, and tables.
  • Use 11 pt Arial Regular font. Set title in ALL CAPS.
  • All sources of support for the research must be disclosed and identified in the abstract. This includes any industry employment of authors, even if direct research funding was not received.
  • Ensure the email address entered for each author is current and correct.

Good Things to Know

Withdrawal: The last date to withdraw an abstract accepted for presentation, without penalty, is January 19, 2025. Penalty: Authors whose abstracts are accepted for oral or poster presentation who fail to present their work, fail to have it presented by a co-author, or withdraw the abstract after January 19, 2025, will be ineligible to have abstracts considered for presentation at the PCRS Annual Meeting for the following two years. Exceptions will be considered if the PCRS is promptly notified for extreme, unforeseen circumstances.

  • You will receive an on-screen confirmation following the successful submission of your abstract. Print or capture this screen for your records.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection will be emailed to the presenting author in December 2024.
  • All decisions made by the PCRS Abstract Review Committee are final.
  • All presentations, oral and poster, must be made in English.
  • Presenting authors of abstracts selected for oral presentation will be required to submit a provided Declaration of Disclosure/Conflicts of Interest. This form must be completed and submitted even if you have nothing to declare.
  • The second slide of all oral abstract presentations must contain full financial disclosure or a statement attesting to the absence of financial support. Subsequent slides must not contain advertising, trade names, product or group messages, or logos, whether commercial or institutional.
  • The presenting author will be the recipient of any earned PCRS award.
  • Submission of an abstract for consideration for presentation implies that the presenting author will register for and attend the meeting to present their work. Scholarships are available to qualified reproductive health professionals in training.
  • PCRS will offer a discounted registration to only one co-author (the submitter). Any others wanting to come will need to register as attendees.

Important Notice

At this time the PCRS 2025 Annual Meeting is planning to be an in-person event, but we want you to know your safety, and the safety of all attendees, remains our top priority. While the PCRS 2025 Annual Meeting will not be canceled, it may become necessary at some point for the format to change (online/virtual). We appreciate your understanding and willingness to be flexible while we work within the limitations set by our obligations and the current pandemic. 

The abstract submission form includes a question about your willingness to present your abstract in a virtual/online format, should it become necessary. If possible, we would like you to say “Yes” to that option so we can be better prepared for either an in-person or virtual format for the meeting. 

Thank you for your patience during this complex process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When I attempt to submit my abstract, I can't enter or edit my name. What do I need to do?

A: Because you may not submit an abstract for another person, your name must auto-populate from your account. If your name is not already in your account, you will need to update your profile. Update your PCRS profile information to add or edit your name to your account. 
Q: I don't have a PCRS account. How can I create one?

A: Create your free PCRS account here.
Q: There is not enough room to add all of my abstract co authors to the submission form. Can I still list all of them in my uploaded documents?

A: Yes. Adding your co-authors to the submission form fields is optional. All author names in Copy Number 1 will be included should your abstract be accepted and published.