Lab Session: Bringing New Technology Into the Art Lab

David Sable, MD Richard Scott, MD, HCLD

David Sable, MD and Richard Scott, MD, HCLD

Saturday, March 26
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

 0.75 CME

Session Description:

The embryology laboratory occupies a unique place within the healthcare system: a nexus of basic science, bioengineering, microsurgery, bio banking, data management and both clinical and basic research. It is also an evolving ecosystem, combining data-driven best (or at least better) practices, decades-old clinic-specific techniques and processes that lack rationale other than “that’s the way we have always done it.” How do we use technology to continue to evolve the ART lab? We will discuss identifying areas for improvement, isolating and assessing key metrics to make informed, data-driven decisions, and the rational allocation of capital to bring new technology to the embryology lab.

Session Objectives:

  1. Describe how to formulate a basis for quantifying the improvements on outcomes from new laboratory technologies

  2. Discuss how to determine the costs effectiveness of individual technologies

  3. Describe how to assess what changes in data collection specific to one’s own laboratory would facilitate continuous process and outcome improvement