Pacific Coast Reproductive Society 2025 Research Grant

Research Grant Application

Submit Today

The deadline to apply is Friday, May 9, 2025.



The purpose of this grant is to support innovative research projects in reproductive medicine for current Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility and Reproductive Urology fellows and New Investigators from those specialities who have completed their professional training in the last three years. A total of $20,000 is available for the current year. Funds are available for project expenses, technical assistance, patient expenses, research supplies, and durable laboratory equipment. Research grant funds may be expended over a 1-year period with the possibility of a 1-year, no-cost extension.

PCRS Research Grants are sponsored by Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


Applicants must be a current fellow or graduate within three years from a Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility or Reproductive Urology fellowship program. Applications from industry will not be considered. 

Research grant recipients may have other grants contributing to their project; however, these funding sources should be noted on the grant application. A progress report should be submitted within 60 days of project completion or annually if a 1-year extension is granted. This report should include a project summary and an accounting of funds, be signed by the award recipient and the institutional grants officer, and be submitted to the PCRS office. Unused funds will be returned at project completion. The grant recipients will give a presentation related to their grant-funded research at the annual PCRS meeting.


  • Have earned an MD and/or PhD and/or DO and/or DVM degree or their equivalents.
  • Be a current fellow in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Reproductive Urology or a New Independent Investigator who has completed their REI or Reproductive Urology fellowship training within three years of the grant application deadline.
  • Prior to submission, the applicant must be member of PCRS, or have a membership application pending approval. For those in-training, Complimentary Professional In-Training membership is available.
  • Apply for membership with PCRS >

Application Submission and Checklist

Application Submission and Checklist

The deadline to apply has closed. Applicants will be notified of their status in July 2025. 

All applications should be submitted in ONE PDF file (Arial 11pt font with 0.5 inch margins) and should include the following items in this order:

  1. Cover sheet – including the title of the research proposal, applicant’s name and degree(s), affiliated university/institution to which the grant funds will be disbursed, institution's address, applicant's contact telephone number, fax, and email; indicate if current fellow in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Reproductive Urology or a New Investigator.
  2. Research Proposal – the description of the research project should be presented using 6 or fewer pages, including a bibliography. The research proposal should include: Specific Aims, Background and Significance, Experimental Design and Methods, Expected Results, Schedule of Performance, and Bibliography.
  3. A one-page budget should be prepared and signed by the applicant and by the Department Chair and the appropriate institutional official. If there are other grants that contribute to the funding of their project, this funding must be included in the budget. Contact information for the payment of funds to your organization should be included.
  4. Applicable institutional certifications of regulatory compliance, e.g., human subjects, animals, biohazards, radioactive materials, recombinant DNA, etc.
  5. Statement of Career Goals – briefly describe the applicant's career goals.
  6. Curriculum Vitae – this should be limited to three pages and include basic personal data, educational background, past and present positions, honors, achievements, and publications; an NIH biosketch is acceptable.
  7. Letter of Recommendation from Division Director or Department Chair – signed letter on organization letterhead.
  8. Letter of Intent from Chair of the Department – this letter should state that the award money will only be allocated for the items noted in the budget and should affirm that the appropriate time and facilities will be allotted for completion of the research by the fellow or new investigator.



Grant selection is based on the scientific merit of the proposed study, the qualifications of the applicant, and the significance of the research. The Research Committee may utilize the expertise of non-Committee experts if necessary, to ensure a competent and balanced review of proposals. Committee members are not eligible to submit applications and will recuse themselves from the selection process if any proposals for that year involve members of their institutions. The grant recipient Committee members will review progress reports at the completion of funding for the project or annually, if an extension is granted. The grant recipient is required to attend the PCRS annual meeting and give a grant-related research presentation. The grant recipient will be eligible to apply for a PCRS scholarship as well.

Applicants will be notified of their status in July 2025.