Genetics Breakout/Mastering Embryo Selection in the Genomic Era: Perspectives From an REI, Embryologist and Genetic Counselor

Amber Gamma, MS, CGC; Liesl Nel-Themaat, PhD; Alex Quaas, MD PhD

Read About Amber
Read About Liesl
Read About Alex Q.
Wednesday, March 20
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM

 1.5 CME

 Session Description
  • With the rising availability and complexity of genetic testing, both within and outside of the fertility clinic setting, the process of embryo selection has become fraught with complexity. This session seeks to unravel this complexity to discuss evaluation of various types of genetic testing results, strategies for selecting the most appropriate embryo for transfer after PGT-A or PGT-M and how to set clinic-level policies that will help improve patient care and reduce legal risk. Three different professionals who play an active role in this process within a clinical setting will provide their perspectives and take-home suggestions.

Session Objective
  1. Analyze different possible results after PGT-A or PGT-M testing and their clinical significance.

  2. Recognize the stakeholders in decision-making surrounding embryo transfer after genetic testing and their different roles.

  3. Propose strategies for embryo selection after genetic testing that align with optimal patient care.